distance coaching

Virtual Training: Building Healthy Competition, Parts 1 & 2

Virtual Training: Building Healthy Competition, Parts 1 & 2

On June 2, 2020, our Up2Us Sports Training Team hosted part 1 of a Virtual Training on Building Healthy Competition for Up2Us Sports coaches and on June 9, 2020, they hosted part 2.

Virtual Training: Change Your Coaching in 7 Words or Less [English & Spanish]

Virtual Training: Change Your Coaching in 7 Words or Less [English & Spanish]

Changing Your Coaching in 7 Words or Less teaches participants a collection of strategies built around phrases, each 7 words or less, that we can actually say to kids to help build meaningful relationships and provide powerful support in and out of the sports context. Available in English and Spanish.

Virtual Training: Self Care & COVID-19 - Leaning On Our Foundations

Virtual Training: Self Care & COVID-19 - Leaning On Our Foundations

On April 7, 2020, Up2Us Sports hosted a Virtual Training for Up2Us Sports coaches. Up2Us Sports believes self-care plays an integral role in mitigating the stress response. This webinar focuses on how we can take those foundational coaching skills we use all the time with our young people and apply them to ourselves.